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RV Women’s Alliance Launches Charity Drive in Partnership with I Support the Girls

The RV Women’s Alliance initiated a donation drive in collaboration with the charity organization “I Support the Girls,” which focuses on collecting and distributing essential items for women in need. 

This initiative aims to provide bras, underwear, and menstrual hygiene products to those experiencing homelessness, impoverishment, or distress. The charity emphasizes the importance of dignity for these women and facilitates access to necessary items through an international network of affiliates.

During the RV Women’s Alliance Open House breakfast, attendees were encouraged to forgo traditional breakfast fees and instead donate sanitary products. This effort resulted in a collection of 11,738 individual items.

Denyse Pontius, chair of the Community Service Task Force at Century Chemical, expressed enthusiasm, stating, “This is a six-month drive that spans across borders, providing products not only in the US but also in Canada.”

“Our ambitious goal is to supply products for five women’s lifetimes, which equates to 80,000 sanitary items. With the generous support we’ve received so far, we’re confident we will smash this target and continually strive to exceed it,” Pontius said in a News & Insights report of RVIA.

RV Women’s Alliance members are encouraged to contribute by establishing donation boxes at their workplaces or purchasing items from Amazon wish lists. These donations will be directed to the RV Women’s Alliance’s main donation sites. Those interested in setting up their donation box can contact Savannah Henry at [email protected] for further information. 

The inspiration for the drive was sparked by Kate Taylor of Thetford, who serves as the Events Co-chair. Susan Carpenter, president of the RV Women’s Alliance, recounted how Taylor brought the initiative to their attention after seeing an advertisement for “I Support the Girls.” Carpenter noted, “It just made so much sense. We are given the chance to give another woman a sense of dignity.”

The drive is set to culminate in a celebratory breakfast on March 1, 2025, with the location to be announced later. This final event will gather all collected items for a comprehensive count and will provide a photo opportunity to commemorate the community effort. 


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