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Manitoba Gov’t Offers Free Fishing, Provincial Park Access This Weekend

In an innovative push to spark public interest and foster love for the great outdoors, the Manitoba (Canada) government has announced a string of exciting initiatives aimed at attracting people to the province’s scenic parks.

Greg Nesbitt, minister of Natural Resources and Northern Development, revealed the upcoming ventures, promising to provide an unforgettable experience for park visitors. 

He underscored that between June 9 and 11, an extended Family Fishing Weekend is in the offing. This will allow fishing enthusiasts and aspiring anglers to engage in the activity without the need for a license, with the exception of national parks where a federal permit remains obligatory. The provision, however, comes with a reminder that all other fishing guidelines and regulations will remain enforceable.

Commenting on the arrangement, Nesbitt expressed his enthusiasm, stating, “Throughout this weekend, residents and visitors will be able to fish for free while also enjoying free access to our beautiful provincial parks.” He further emphasized that the extra day “creates another opportunity for more Manitobans to get hooked on fishing.”

To encourage park visitation, the province has decided to waive vehicle permit requirements from June 9 to 11. 

However, while the fishing and vehicle entry will be without charge, it is worth noting that the regular camping fees at provincial campgrounds will continue to be in effect.

Despite the excitement, the government advises potential visitors to stay informed about the prevailing park conditions.

As the season unfolds, there may be certain closures or advisories in place for specific areas within the park system. Additionally, to ensure safe and responsible camping, people are urged to heed fire restrictions and only use designated fire pits for their campfires.

These initiatives not only foster recreational opportunities for Manitobans and visitors alike but also accentuate the province’s commitment to promoting a healthy, active lifestyle while concurrently encouraging respect for the natural environment.

With these measures, the Manitoba government is certain to encourage more individuals to experience the vast wilderness, teeming wildlife, and tranquil settings its provincial parks offer.


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