Outdoor Hospitality News

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Pull Start Fire Offers Campgrounds an Innovative Solution for Safer, Simpler Campfires

As the camping industry witnesses an increase in outdoor enthusiasts, campground owners are continually seeking innovative ways to enhance the camping experiences by introducing modern solutions to their visitors’ common struggle: starting a fire.

Innovations such as the groundbreaking Pull Start Fire has emerged to revolutionize the outdoor experiences with its ingenious fire-starting solution designed to make campfires simpler, safer, and more enjoyable. 

This compact and user-friendly pull-string fire starter, roughly the size of a chalkboard eraser, eliminates the need for matches, lighters, tinder, and kindling, making it an ideal addition to any camp store’s inventory. 

To ignite a fire, campers loop the green string around a pile of logs and, when ready, give a gentle tug to the red string. In a matter of seconds, a perfect fire comes to life, defying the challenges posed by wood conditions, weather, or the user’s experience level.

“No lighters, no tinder, no kindling. It’s (Pull Start Fire) about the size of a chalkboard eraser that got a green string one side, a red string on the other… you pull the red string and you’ve got a perfect fire,” said the inventor of Pull Start Fire, Mike Beyrodt, in an exclusive interview with Modern Campground.

Safety Measures of Pull Start Fire

Photo courtesy of Pull Start Fire

Campground owners have a responsibility to ensure the safety of their guests, and Pull Start Fire’s robust safety measures align with this standard to ensure responsible use. This not only minimizes accidents but also reassures campground owners that their customers can enjoy campfires without compromising safety.

“So there’s a three-and-a-half pound force needed to pull the red string; and our product has a safety tab that blocks the igniter, which has to be removed before you can pull the red string,” Beyrodt explains. 

“So, if the red string accidentally gets pulled nothing happens. You have to intentionally remove the yellow tab first and then you can pull the red string.”  

For campground owners, Pull Start Fire represents an enticing value-add to their business, providing campers with a hassle-free and enjoyable way to start fires during their stay. Furthermore, this product could be included as part of a camping package, enhancing the overall camping experience and attracting customers seeking convenience and safety.

What Customers Think About Pull Start Fire

Photo courtesy of Pull Start Fire

Customers who have experienced Pull Start Fire firsthand have expressed their full satisfaction. Robert C., a former Eagle Scout and avid backpacker, stated, “I RV camp now, and was very impressed with the safety features and ease of use of this well-engineered fire starter.”

Raymond P., another satisfied customer, shared, “the most impressive thing I have done with them was start a fire on top of a snow covered fire pit. I set up the wood on top of the snow and it started a fire that melted the snow under and started the wood that was soaked and under the snow.” 

Pull Start Fire presents an opportunity for campground owners to elevate their offerings and provide guests with a camping experience that’s not only safer and convenient but also on the go.  

In an ever-evolving camping industry, pioneering solutions like Pull Start Fire are a testament to the industry’s dedication to meeting the changing needs and preferences of outdoor enthusiasts.

Featured image from Pull Start Fire.


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