Outdoor Hospitality News

For owners, operators, team members, and anyone else interested in camping, glamping, or the RV industry.

News for August 31, 2024

Land Between the Lakes Campgrounds, Facilities Ready for New Season

The Land Between the Lakes National Recreation Area has begun a new season as it reopened its popular facilities.

The LBL‘s campgrounds, environmental education facilities, as well as the North and South Welcome Stations are all operational for the 2022 season, as per a report.

The most developed campgrounds in the area are Hillman Ferry Campground on the northern part of the peninsula, surrounded by Kentucky Lake and Lake Barkley. Energy Lake Campground is toward the middle section, while Piney Campground is near the Tennessee part of the LBL. The campgrounds were opened at the beginning of the month and will continue to operate throughout the camping season into the fall and will close again on November 30.

Campers can once again take the Hillman Ferry despite a close collision with the tornado that struck in December. LBL spokesmen claimed that Hillman Ferry facilities were spared by the twister, which caused miles of destruction in some areas.

There was some damage to trees at the campground. However, the workers are said to have cleaned the area.

One area that was severely damaged by the tornado is near Moss Creek Day Use Area, located on the Kentucky Lake shore. The popular beach and picnic area is still closed, but it could be reopened on April 1 if the damage is cleared before then.

Open all year are the Golden Pond Planetarium and Observatory, the Turkey Bay Off-Highway Vehicle Area, and the Wranglers Campground and Day Use Area.

Basic and dispersed camping and an array of outdoor activities are available to visitors all year. The website www.landbetweenthelakes.us holds a mass of information on LBL facilities, programs, and details of visitor interests. Visit it to learn more.

This story originally appeared on The Paducah Sun.


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