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Pike County Campground Helped in Passage of Ohio Legislation Extending Liability Protections to Operators

A western Pike County campground favored the legislation passed last week in the Ohio Senate, a report said.

House Bill 229, which extends liability protections to campground operators, was supported by Long’s Retreat Family Resort, State Rep. Shane Wilkin (R-Hillsboro) shared in a press announcement.

According to Wilkin, the resort had shared its struggles with the regulations it had to face. Wilkin was the bill‘s sponsor along with Rep. D.J. Swearingen (R-Huron). Their bill passed in a 25-8 vote on January 26.

“This bill can help stop frivolous lawsuits against small businesses and puts these mostly family-owned small businesses on equal playing field with state-owned facilities,” he said in a released statement.

During an Ohio House Civil Justice Committee session in April, Byra Long went into more detail about what the bill could man to the “top tourist destination in Pike County.

According to her, regulations have become more strict, but legal protections have not. Long’s Resort said it has been following the new rules to the greatest extent of its abilities. Still, it has had to contend with lawsuits throughout the years.

The resort was ultimately held accountable and had to pay the medical bills or insurance premiums of the people who were injured in instances such as when a child fell into a campfire and burnt his foot, a guest hurting their ankles on one of its waterslides, or when others were injured, 

“We cannot possibly prevent every possible accident, whether it be on developed or undeveloped land,” Long’s proponent testimony reads. “We try our best, but it should be law that our campers are expected to accept risk and responsibility for their own actions.”

The bill scheduled to go into the Ohio House for a concurrence vote before reaching Governor Mike DeWine’s desk would provide liability protection for only those “risk inherent to camping.” The legislation says that the risks include:

  • A lack of lighting, including at a campsite;
  • Campfires;
  • Wildlife not kept by or under the control of the camp operator;
  • The behavior or actions of domestic animals not kept by or under the control of the camp operator, provided the camp operator has a pet policy requiring the animal owner to keep the pet on a leash or contained and under the pet owner’s control;
  • The ordinary dangers associated with structures or equipment ordinarily used in camping and not owned or maintained by the camp operator;
  • A camper or visitor acting in a negligent manner that contributes to harm to that camper or visitor or another camper or visitor, including failing to follow instructions given by a camp operator or failing to exercise reasonable caution while engaging in a campground activity.

The campgrounds will also stay responsible for injuries or deaths that happen on their premises due to the carelessness of the operator or owner. They would also be required to warn their guests through signs on entrances of the liability standard.

The Republican majority of the Ohio General Assembly has voted in favor of the measure, while the Democrats voted against it.


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