The Oregon Parks and Recreation Department is soliciting public input on three proposed changes to the Oregon Administrative Rules, a report said.
The Oregon Administrative Rules govern the state parks as outlined by legislation passed during the session of 2021.
The deadline for the comment to be submitted is at 5 p.m. on November 10.
One modification prohibits those convicted of bias crimes on state property or public waterways from entering the state park for up to five years, as in Senate Bill 289. The amendment proposed establishes an exclusion process.
The second modification will implement Senate Bill 794, which raises the fees for RV camping sites by 25% for non-residents of the state.
Under the current system, those who are not in the state pay only the RV site fee. Oregon residents who own RVs have to pay both the site fee for RVs and an additional fee for the license plate, and a portion of it goes to the state park’s operations.
The additional revenue generated from this surcharge will finance daily operations and repairs for state parks. With a nearly century-old system, the cost increases each year.
The third amendment being considered includes a requirement that the Governor, under the legislation HB2171, appoints the Outdoor Recreation Advisory Council members. The council is expected to advise the Office of Outdoor Recreation on the outdoor policy and priority areas.
After reviewing the public’s comments, agency staff will submit finalized rules to Oregon Parks and Recreation Commission at its November 2021 meeting.
Comments may be submitted via:
- Public Hearing: A virtual public meeting set for 6 pm. Oct. 27. Registration is required at
- Online:
- Mail: Oregon Parks and Recreation Department, attn.: Katie Gauthier, 725 Summer St NE, Suite C, Salem OR 97301
- Email: [email protected]