Outdoor Hospitality News

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News for August 31, 2024

New Mexico Closes Some State Parks Due to Extreme Fire Danger

The New Mexico Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department State Parks Division (EMNRD) announced the closure of some state parks due to extreme fire danger. 

The following state parks to be closed until further notice are Manzano Mountains State Park, Hyde Memorial State Park, Pecos Canyon State Park, Cimarron Canyon State Park, and Fenton Lake State Park.

The state also announced that all New Mexico state parks are under the State Forester Fire Restriction Order, restricting all non-municipal, non-federal, and non-tribal lands from smoking, using fireworks, and lighting campfires, open burning, and open fires.

Coyote Creek State Park and Morphy Lake State Park will also remain closed. Visitors with campsite reservations at any of the above-mentioned parks must contact Reserve America at 1-877-664-7787.

Three National Forests in the state are also closed to the public due to extreme fire danger. Santa Fe National Forest, Cibola National Forest, and Carson National Forest will be under stage three restrictions.

The EMNRD also said Hyde Memorial State Park would keep confirmed reservations for the Historic Hyde Lodge. Twenty-eight state parks will remain open, and fees with staying limits will be waived for evacuees from places affected by the wildfires.

For more information on New Mexico’s State Parks, visit www.emnrd.nm.gov/spd/.

This article originally appeared on KRQE News.


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