Outdoor Hospitality News

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News for August 31, 2024

Florida Campgrounds Devastated by Hurricane Ian, FRVCA Ready to Help

A street with palm trees and a cloudy sky in Florida.

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Despite damages caused by the onslaught of Hurricane Ian, campgrounds and RV parks across Florida will get back up stronger, Florida RV Park and Campground Association (FRVCA) President and CEO Bobby Cornwell assured in a post-hurricane update email sent to members today.

“Florida is not shut-down and SW Florida will rebuild and rebound,” Cornwell said.

“Our Florida RV park and campground industry is very strong, and our park owners and operators are some of the best people in the world. I have no doubt the industry will rally together and support all those in need,” he added.

While the amount of destruction is yet to be determined, the association is quick to act and is calling for donations through the Florida Campground Association Disaster Relief Fund. It has also promised to circulate a call for help in any manner for damaged parks with special needs.

Hurricane Ian recently devastated the southwest Florida areas, affecting Lee, Charlotte, Collier, and more counties. As it is exiting the state, strong winds and rains are still being felt in parts of Florida.

Cornwell also mentioned receiving reports of campgrounds that are still open and unaffected, while others said they suffered minor damage or power outages but will reopen as soon as possible.

As he finished giving an update, the campground association’s leader gave a message of hope to members.

“The aftermath of Hurricane Ian was horrible, to say the least, but SW Florida will, without a doubt, be rebuilt and will be paradise once again,” he said.

“Our prayers and thoughts go out to everyone there, and to everyone throughout Florida who was impacted by this storm,” Cornwell ended.

Member parks in need of financial assistance can contact the FRVCA office at 850-562-7151 or email [email protected].

The association will also be posting updates and information through its consumer Facebook page.


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