Looking for a park to egg-splore and enjoy with the entire family during the Easter holiday? Look no more as Camp Helen State Park (Florida) will be hosting its first-ever Easter egg scavenger hunt.
According to a report, the event will happen on April 16 from 10 a.m.to 2 p.m. Participants will request volunteers for an egg hunt card and participate in a color-coded egg hunt.
“The whole idea is to get kids to explore and learn about the park. Once they find all the color-coded eggs, they can turn them in for a special prize,” said Friends of Camp Helen Executive Director Courtney Harper.
The scavenger hunt will include three age groups: 0-3, 4-6, and 7-12. There will also be food trucks at the event.
On Friday, April 8, at 7 p.m, The Friends of Camp Helen will launch their first-ever fundraiser concert, featuring The Currys at the park.
Tickets cost $50 and are available here.
The ticket price covers admission to the park, dinner, and drinks. The proceeds will go to the park as they look to expand their wheelchair-accessible beach access mat and purchase a new vehicle for the park.
This story originally appeared on MyPanhandle.com.