Search Evolution: The New Ways Campers Are Deciding Where To Stay
The September 2024 MC Hospitality Highlights report delves into recent changes in campers’ behaviors and preferences, emphasizing the growing demand for specific camping experiences and the importance of strategic online content for campground owners. It begins by analyzing search terms used by potential campers, revealing a marked shift towards more specific and deliberate searches. The data indicates that while general camping searches have decreased, there has been a notable rise in searches for particular types of camping, such as “glamping” and “RV camping,” highlighting a shift in consumer attitudes towards more curated and differentiated outdoor experiences.
One key insight from the report is the significant growth in searches for glamping, which saw a 13% increase overall and a 28% rise among new guests between 2022 and 2023. This trend is consistent across search terms, with a 29% overall improvement for glamping and a striking 50% year-over-year increase in searches for glamping definitions. Despite its growing popularity, glamping remains a small segment within the broader outdoor hospitality market, indicating potential for expansion but also a need for strategic marketing to convert interest into bookings.
Another highlighted trend is the increasing interest in nearby camping locations, driven by economic factors such as inflation. The report notes that between 30% and 51% of campers are now seeking campsites within 50 miles of their homes, contributing to a 90% rise in searches for local campground options since 2023. This shift underscores the importance for campground owners to optimize their online presence for local searches and to tailor their offerings and promotions to attract local campers, who may prefer shorter, more frequent trips.
Lastly, the report discusses the impact of the economy on camping behavior, with many campers looking to cut costs by seeking free camping locations. There has been a 28% increase in searches for no-cost camping sites between 2023 and 2024. However, free camping often requires off-grid capabilities, which can be a barrier for some campers. Campground owners could address this by offering low-cost alternatives or amenities that support more self-sufficient campers. Collectively, these insights suggest that to capitalize on the upcoming fall season, campground owners should focus on precise SEO strategies, targeted content creation, and promotional offerings that align with the evolving preferences and economic realities of campers.
Key Insights:
In 2023, while participation in camping overall realized a decline of between 3% and 4%, glamping had a 13% increase overall, and a 28% increase among the set of new guests between 2022 and 2023. The look ahead suggests that glamping could increase by as much as 31%.
Searches for glamping have improved by 29% overall, and 23% as a stand-alone term. It is worth considering that those seeking a definition of glamping has increased by 50% YOY.
The economy has been impacting campers’ attitudes and behaviors since inflation spiked, most commonly in terms of distances traveled, as well as cutting back on expenses while camping such as food & entertainment.
Some campers are seeking free/no cost locations during their travels, reflected in the 28% increase in volume between 2023 and 2024.
Recent research has suggested that between 30% and 51% of campers are looking for locations within 50 miles of their residence, contributing to a 90% increase in searches for nearby camping.