Outdoor Hospitality News

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News for August 30, 2024

Parks Canada Opens New Coastal Campground Along Cabot Trail

Cape breton coastal campground, Cabot Trail.

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Mkwesaqtuk/Cap-Rouge Campground (Nova Scotia, Canada), Cape Breton Highlands National Park’s newest campground and the first Mi’kmaw-French facility name in the park will officially start operating this July!

According to a press release, Jaime Battiste, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Member of Parliament for Sydney-Victoria,  will celebrate the official opening ceremony. 

Battiste will also provide remarks on behalf of the Honourable Steven Guilbeault, Minister of Environment and Climate Change, and the Minister in charge of Parks Canada.

As per its website, Mkwesaqtuk is a Mi’kmaq word that describes a place or feature that distinctly changes to red.

This Mi’kmaq expression would have been used to describe the coastal area Acadians later called Cap-Rouge, on the western side of Cape Breton Highlands National Park

The campground features solar-powered lighting, propane heat, accessible washrooms, activity building, kitchen shelters, and campsites, including one oTENTik.

For more information, visit https://www.pc.gc.ca/en/pn-np/ns/cbreton/activ/camping/mkwesaqtuk-caprouge


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Hi, you might find this article from Modern Campground interesting: Parks Canada Opens New Coastal Campground Along Cabot Trail! This is the link: https://moderncampground.com/canada/nova-scotia/parks-canada-opens-new-coastal-campground-along-cabot-trail/