In the town of Ichihara, Chiba Prefecture, a retired train car now serves as a unique guest room at the Takatakiko Glamping Resort. The KiHa 203, which once operated along the Kominato Railway’s countryside routes for over half a century, has been creatively transformed to offer a blend of historic charm and modern glamping amenities.
Initially put on display at the resort in May 2023, the car was later converted into fully equipped accommodation, retaining nostalgic features such as the iconic passenger straps and driver’s cab. New additions, including comfortable beds, a kitchen sink, and high-speed Wi-Fi, enhance the guest experience while preserving the car’s historical appeal.
The reimagined train car sits on a section of the former Kominato Railway track, parallel to the active railway line, allowing guests to observe passing trains from the comfort of their unique lodging. This positioning makes it especially appealing to train enthusiasts while also attracting families and couples looking for a memorable getaway.
Sayaka Kumazaki, president of Hamiru Co., the operator of Takatakiko Glamping Resort, shared her enthusiasm for the new offering. “We want not only train enthusiasts but also families and couples to spend quality time here,” Kumazaki remarked, as reported by The Asahi Shimbun.
At a recent ceremony marking the train car’s official debut as a guest room, Mayor Joji Koide emphasized the positive impact of the project on local tourism. “This facility has changed the flow of tourists,” he said, expressing optimism about future partnerships. “We will work together with Kominato Railway to attract even more visitors.”
According to its website, the glamping resort offers a range of unique amenities designed to enhance the guest experience, including a gym, a Camp Lay Room, and a Kid’s Area for younger visitors. Guests can also enjoy the dog park, Takataki Farm for a hands-on vegetable harvesting experience, and a relaxing barrel sauna.
For entertainment and social gatherings, the resort features the Science Room of Fear & The Infirmary, a Hand-Held Fireworks Area, a School Bus Bar, and a Campfire Area.
Featured image by Takatakiko Glamping Resort via