Outdoor Hospitality News

For owners, operators, team members, and anyone else interested in camping, glamping, or the RV industry.

News for August 31, 2024

WATCH: RV Kitchen Accessories

The RV kitchen can be a tight place to work, provided that each RV only has limited walking space. In this video, Jared shows some RV kitchen accessories that help him make the most of the space in his RV.

In some ways, the kitchen in recreational vehicles can be different from one found in homes, but with a few tips and a few RV kitchen items, Jared was able to increase the functionality of his RV kitchen.

His first tip involves removing something that will not be used. In his case, he removed the microwave and replaced it with a smaller multi-purpose oven. Because of this, he was able to fit both the smaller oven and an electric kettle in the same spot where the microwave used to be; thus, making the space more functional.

To help maintain the cleanliness of his RV kitchen, Jared uses an accessory called “SplatterDom.” The collapsible tool helps keep splashes to a minimum by catching splatters while cooking.

RVers who prefer to start their day with a smoothie see the importance of having a blender on board. Thanks to smaller, yet powerful blenders, a healthy lifestyle doesn’t have to get left behind when RVing. The only setback, as per Jared, is that smaller blenders can only produce a small serving at a time.

Check out the video above for more tips and accessories that can help utilize the RV kitchen better.


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