Outdoor Hospitality News

For owners, operators, team members, and anyone else interested in camping, glamping, or the RV industry.

News for August 31, 2024

RV Cooling During Hot Summer Days

RVers know that when the temperatures start to rise, so does the need for air conditioning. Some RV owners have taken to running multiple air conditioners at once in order to stay comfortable. In this video, Big Truck Big RV shares how he was able to keep his RV cool using just 50 amps.

To keep the inside of his RV cool for the summer, Big Truck Big RV drops down blackout blinds on top of the screen to keep the heat out. According to him, the screen also blocks out the radiant heat, giving an extra layer of protection.

When parked, he also utilizes only one of his ACs and sets it to 82 degrees, so his RV’s interior doesn’t get too hot. This makes sure that one of the airconditioners automatically starts running once the temperature rises above 82 degrees.

The secret that allows the RVer to run three ACs using just 50 amps of power is using three 13500 BTU units. He said that 13500 BTU airconditioning units draw less power than 15000 BTU units, giving him the ability to run all three ACs simultaneously.

The other thing to consider, he said, is not starting up all ACs at the same time. Staggering when starting up the units instead of turning everything on all at once helps prevent putting a major load on the entire electrical system at once, avoiding excessive surge from the 50-amp connection.

Don’t let the heat stop you from hitting the open road this summer—watch the video above for more tips!


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