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Harnessing the Sun: A Comprehensive Guide to RV Solar Systems for the Outdoor Hospitality Industry

The outdoor hospitality industry is experiencing a significant shift towards sustainability, with solar power playing a pivotal role. A recent video by DIY Outdoor Life provides an in-depth guide on RV solar systems, demystifying the complexities of solar power for beginners.

The video starts by emphasizing the importance of solar power, highlighting its advancements over the past decade. The presenter, Brian, explains that while the technology has become more affordable and advanced, the challenge lies in sizing and sorting through the various equipment available on the market.

The essential components of an RV solar system include a solar panel, a battery, and a charge controller. The charge controller, often overlooked by beginners, is the brains of the operation. It takes the energy from the solar panel and converts it into a charging profile suitable for the battery.

The video stresses the importance of the RV battery, which is often the bottleneck in the equation. The capacity of the battery is crucial, with Brian recommending a battery that can last for about three days unplugged without solar and without running down to low voltage.

The video then delves into the types of solar panels available, recommending monocrystalline panels for their efficiency. Brian categorizes solar panels into fixed and portable, each with its pros and cons. Fixed panels are always set up and harder to steal, but they don’t work as efficiently as portable panels, which can be angled toward the sun.

The video also introduces the concept of hybrid panels, a mix of fixed and portable panels. However, Brian notes that these panels don’t perform as well as either fixed or portable panels.

The video then moves on to charge controllers, explaining the difference between PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) and MPPT (Maximum Power Point Tracking) charge controllers. Brian recommends PWM controllers for smaller systems due to their affordability and waterproof nature.

The video concludes with a simple formula to size the solar system. The formula involves converting the battery capacity to watts and multiplying the panel wattage by 3.5 to get the average daily wattage. This calculation helps determine the appropriate size of the solar panel and charge controller needed.

The video provides a comprehensive guide for beginners looking to understand and implement RV solar systems. As the outdoor hospitality industry continues to evolve, solar power is set to play a crucial role in shaping the future of RV living.


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Hi, you might find this article from Modern Campground interesting: Harnessing the Sun: A Comprehensive Guide to RV Solar Systems for the Outdoor Hospitality Industry! This is the link: https://moderncampground.com/videos/harnessing-the-sun-a-comprehensive-guide-to-rv-solar-systems-for-the-outdoor-hospitality-industry/