As winter approaches and camping season ends for many of the northern parts of the U.S., This leaves only 65%of the country having campgrounds for RVs that are operating, with some claiming that it is the best season to go on campers to go on a trip, as per the News & Insights report of the RV Industry Association (RVIA).
According to a study by the RVIA, 78% of RVers believe that having an RV with a cold-weather feature is essential and is a sign of the increasing tendency to winter camp. The demand for more cold weather options means that those living in warmer climates want to continue to RV into the winter months.
Kampgrounds of America has noticed this in their data showing that 8.2 million households, around 20 million individuals, plan to stay in a camp in the winter. This is an impressive rise of over 6.9 million households camping in 2021, which is a rise of 19% just in one year.
For the outdoor enthusiast who enjoys skiing or snowboarding, snowshoeing, the snowmobile or ice-fish, Go RVing compiled a listing of over 40 campgrounds across the United States that could serve as bases for winter sports across Northern California, Colorado, Kansas, Maine, Michigan, Montana, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, and Utah.
For those looking for pleasant warm days and fantastic nights, states like Florida, Arizona, Texas, and Southern California have always been frequent winter destinations.
Travelers who do not have an RV are traveling in and renting an RV to pick up or deliver to the campsite. Many campgrounds offer models for park cabins that can be booked on-site, equipped with kitchens and bathrooms, a bedroom, and many more.
The tradition of snowbirds of northerners heading south throughout winter is growing too.
“With the lasting trend of remote working, we’ve seen a surge in people camping and RVing year-round,” Go RVing Spokesperson Monika Geraci.
In the states of Alabama, Louisiana, New Mexico, Nevada, and South Carolina, the weather is colder in the winter months. However, there are still plenty of camping opportunities in national and state parks and local tourist spots.
The rates are competitive, and there’s usually availability without needing to make reservations several months ahead.
The cost of traveling for vacation is also a significant factor in the continuing increase in RVing throughout the year.
The cost of RV travel is half the price of a similar plane and hotel trip and one-third less than automobile rides. It is an appealing and usually more affordable option for those seeking the freedom to travel and control the cost of travel.