Outdoor Hospitality News

For owners, operators, team members, and anyone else interested in camping, glamping, or the RV industry.

Utah’s Campground Shortage Spurs Legislative Action to Expand Recreational Opportunities

The rising demand for outdoor recreational spaces in Utah has created a notable challenge for campers, with limited availability at state campgrounds prompting legislative action. 

This trend reflects a broader nationwide surge in outdoor recreation, especially following the pandemic, and underscores the need for industry stakeholders to consider strategies to accommodate increasing numbers of outdoor enthusiasts.

To address the shortage, Rep. Steve Eliason has introduced HB 34, State Campground Amendments, which aims to expand camping opportunities on state-owned or managed land. 

The bill proposes forming a commission tasked with identifying suitable locations for new campgrounds. 

Eliason emphasized the abundance of underutilized state-owned parcels that could potentially serve as ideal camping sites, saying: 

“Basically every county we have hundreds of these parcels that really can’t be used for anything else, but they would be ideal campground locations.”

According to a report by KUTV, the initiative is particularly relevant for areas like Moab, where camping spaces are in high demand. Local businesses catering to outdoor enthusiasts have also noticed this surge. 

“Without a doubt, since definitely COVID was a big push,” said Justin Dowey, owner of Expedition Superstore. He added that creating more camping locations would benefit the community and the industry, noting, “Having more places to go can’t be a bad thing.”

For outdoor hospitality business owners, this development presents an opportunity to explore partnerships or investments in new campground projects. 

Collaborations with the proposed commission could provide valuable input on amenities and infrastructure, ensuring that new sites meet the expectations of modern campers. 

Additionally, the initiative underscores the importance of staying ahead of market trends and increasing accessibility for a growing demographic seeking outdoor experiences.

As the state explores these options, professionals in the industry may find innovative ways to expand their services and adapt to the evolving demand for outdoor recreation.


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