Outdoor Hospitality News

For owners, operators, team members, and anyone else interested in camping, glamping, or the RV industry.

News for August 30, 2024

Ohio RV Supershow To Return To Cleveland’s I-X Center in 2022

Three rvs parked in the mountains at night, showcasing the Ohio RV Supershow and 2022 models at Cleveland's I-X Center.

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The Great Lakes Recreational Vehicle Association (promoters of the Ohio RV Supershow) announced Wednesday that they had signed a deal to bring back the event in fall 2022.

Amy Girton, executive director of the Great Lakes RV Association, said, “This is an exciting day for the future and the continued success at the Ohio RV Supershow,” We are thrilled to partner with IRG, an international company with a strong vision and we look forward to a great partnership. Although we haven’t set any dates yet, the show will take place in Fall 2022. We will be working closely with IRG to confirm our show dates. The Ohio RV Supershow is a 44-year-old event and was the first to be held at I-X Center. We are grateful to IRG, Park Corporation, and all who helped us to make a deal that will keep the I-X Center available for future consumer shows in Northeast Ohio.”

Great Lakes Recreational Vehicle Association that Progressive will present the Outdoor Fall RV Fest on October 7-10. The Medina County Fairgrounds will host this year’s events.

Girton stated that the Outdoor Fall RV Fest would be their first show since 2020.

“It will give dealers and consumers a jumpstart in selling and buying for 2022. Although this show will be smaller than the I-X Center‘s Supershow, it gives Great Lakes RV Association members a chance to showcase new models. We have really missed our RVing family and friends.”

Visit www.ohiorvshow.com to find out more information about this event.

Industrial Realty Group purchased I-X Center Corporation’s stock, which is responsible for Cleveland’s 2.2 Million square foot facility. This news about the Ohio RV Supershow’s return comes on the heels.

The company has partnered with Industrial Commercial Properties and says that developers will prepare the Main Hall immediately to promote trade show events such as the Auto Show, I-X Holiday Connection, and the Home and Garden Show.

​Visit www.ohiorvshow.com to find out more information about the Ohio RV Supershow event.


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Hi, you might find this article from Modern Campground interesting: Ohio RV Supershow To Return To Cleveland's I-X Center in 2022! This is the link: https://moderncampground.com/usa/ohio/ohio-rv-supershow-to-return-to-clevelands-i-x-center-in-2022/