Outdoor Hospitality News

For owners, operators, team members, and anyone else interested in camping, glamping, or the RV industry.

News for September 1, 2024

Ohio Environmental Protection Agency to Look Into Campground’s Water System

Recently, a campground in Ohio received a notice from Hocking County Health Department saying that it was putting its license at risk by allowing guests to stay on the site during the winter months without functional restrooms.

According to a report, the site is now under scrutiny by the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency.

Health officials warned the Lost Hollow Campground on Harble Griffith Road in Logan in February for violation of state regulations following complaints that campers stay at the campground during winter.

This is a breach of the state’s rules because for a campground in Ohio to be deemed acceptable by the health department for occupancy, it must be equipped with a number of functioning toilets and urinals based on the number of campsites available. Lost Hollow, however, closes its restrooms during the winter months.

However, it appears that Lost Hollow – which, in a way, is unusual for a campground, has lots that have private owners and is administered by a property owners’ association, much like a housing subdivision – has other regulatory issues going on as well.

On Monday, Andrew Barienbrock, an environmental manager for the Ohio EPA, confirmed that the state agency is interested in Lost Hollow.

The topic of concern to OEPA is the campground’s drinking water system since Lost Hollow appears to be permitting year-round use, which puts it in a completely different status as far as drinking water regulations.

“Essentially (how) they had classified themselves or said in the past was, they were a seasonal system, where they shut down for the winter,” he said. “It appears that that is not the case. What that changes their drinking water system to – it’s already a regulated drinking water system by the Ohio EPA – but it just changes them into a full-time, a year-round system if they’re not going to close down.”

When examining the facility and its size, he added that it appears they should have a classification that requires them to have a professionally certified operator for their drinking water system.

Barienbrock explained that what’s most likely to happen is that OEPA will issue an action to propose a new facility classification, requiring a certified operator.

Barienbrock predicted that this would occur within the next seven days.

This story originally appeared on The Logan Daily.


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