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Nevada Governor Signs New Agreement Expanding Outdoor Recreational Opportunities

Governor Steve Sisolak signed the new Nevada Agreement for Recreation Shared Stewardship that will increase outdoor recreational opportunities across Nevada last Wednesday, according to a report.

The new agreement is a strategic partnership that will serve as a model for multi-agency collaboration to tackle the many issues facing Nevada’s communities and the natural environment.

It will also promote sustainable outdoor recreation opportunities and a strong outdoor economy for Nevada.

Lieutenant Governor Lisa Cano Burkhead will serve as Chair of the Advisory Board on Outdoor Recreation. She was also one of the many agency leaders at Mormon Station State Historic Park to witness Sisolak signing the agreement.

Outdoor recreation is a major part of Nevada’s economy in so many ways, and I am thrilled to see the ways the new Nevada Agreement for Recreation Shared Stewardship will help us tackle our challenges and advance some of the most beautiful parts of our state,” said Burkhead.

The Recreation Shared Stewardship Agreement provides a framework to assist Nevada in addressing these complex issues head-on through a multi-agency partnership program centered around the following goals and priority areas:

  • Create a strategic plan for advancing sustainable outdoor recreation throughout Nevada by strengthening collaboration, sharing data and resources, and leveraging access to funding opportunities.
  • Support healthy communities and a vibrant economy by creating a diverse array of sustainable recreation opportunities for people of all ages, backgrounds, and abilities.
  • Promote environmental stewardship through strategic, coordinated messaging centered on responsible recreation ethics.

The Nevada Agreement for Recreation Shared Stewardship includes signatories from the following State and Federal agencies: The state of Nevada, Nevada Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Nevada Division of Outdoor Recreation, Nevada Division of State Parks, Nevada Department of Wildlife, Nevada Department of Tourism and Cultural Affairs, Nevada Department of Transportation, US Bureau of Reclamation, US Forest Service, US Fish and Wildlife Service, US Bureau of Land Management, and the National Park Service.

We are all in this together, from the Local and Tribal and State levels all the way up to the Federal Government. I am thrilled to witness the great work that our state agencies are doing to lead in outdoor recreation policy, and I am excited to see the progress we can make when we all get to work,” said Burkhead.

This article originally appeared on News Lincoln County.


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