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Huron-Manistee National Forests Proposes Recreation Fee Changes for Campgrounds, Sites

The Huron-Manistee National Forests (HMNFs) in Michigan is proposing changes to recreation fees. The HMNFs is actively seeking public input on these proposed changes until September 1.

Nick Edington, recreation program manager for the HMNFs, explained that while their fees have remained unchanged for many years, the cost of operating the sites has increased. 

“We want to continue to provide the best possible experience for forest visitors. If approved, the fee proposal will bring us closer to fee levels charged by other nearby public and private campgrounds and recreation providers and allow us to continue to maintain a high standard at our sites,” Nick Edington, recreation program manager for the HMNFs, said.

Currently, over half of the 191 recreation sites maintained by HMNFs do not collect fees. This includes day-use areas, overnight camping locations, and sites with expanded amenities such as boat launches and potable water. 

These fee adjustments are based on the Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act of 2004, which allows the Forest Service to retain funds collected at certain recreation sites and use them locally. Under this act, 80% of the revenue from recreation fees remains within the forests to operate, maintain, and improve facilities.

According to a press release, increasing the revenue collected from recreation fees would allow the Huron-Manistee National Forests to enhance both sustainability and accessibility. This adjustment would align their fees with those of nearby public and private campgrounds and recreation providers. 

Additionally, the funds generated from these fees are crucial for delivering recreation opportunities that meet modern visitor expectations, creating a more financially sustainable recreation program for future generations.

Most recreation area campground fees are currently $10, with a proposed increase to $15. The Hungerford Lake Recreation Area Campground is an exception, with a current fee of $15 and a proposed increase to $20.

Following the public comment period, the proposed fee changes will be reviewed by a Recreation Resource Advisory Committee, which will then submit recommendations to the Regional Forester.

For detailed information on fee changes at HMNFs campgrounds and sites, visit their website here.


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