Outdoor Hospitality News

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Hawaii’s Sand Island State Recreation Area Suspends Camping Due to Rule Violations

Sand Island State Recreation Area, a camping spot in Hawaii, will face an indefinite suspension of camping activities starting August 23. The DLNR Division of State Parks (DSP) announced the suspension in response to “reckless nighttime behavior and littering of campsites with rubbish and used camping gear.”

According to a press release, DSP Administrator Curt Cottrell expressed deep concern over the situation, stating, “This behavior is overwhelming the park caretaker and maintenance crew who clean up the campsites and park. It is jeopardizing public safety and diminishing the quality of the park.”

The limited camping schedule at Sand Island underscores the importance of strict adherence to park rules during the allowed days. In response to these ongoing issues, the DLNR Division of Conservation and Resources Enforcement (DOCARE) is planning to implement a new Civil Resource Violations System (CRVS). This system will empower officers to “issue citations and levy fines on the spot.” 

Among the pressing issues observed by park officials are attempts to camp without proper permits. Another concern is the tendency of some campers to overstay their permitted time, causing difficulties for maintenance crews in preparing sites for incoming groups.

Other violations reported include noise and alcohol consumption that persist throughout the night and into the early morning hours. Additionally, the park has been dealing with overcrowding at individual campsites, with groups frequently exceeding the 10-person limit, at times hosting more than 30 people overnight.

Environmental concerns are additional concerns, with campers leaving behind amounts of rubbish and litter throughout the park. Despite the provision of rubbish cans next to each campsite, many visitors have been observed “spreading litter during the night.”

According to the press release, lighting illegal fires, including incidents where children have been starting fires in areas outside designated campgrounds, has become another issue at Sand Island State Recreation Area.


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