The California Air Resources Board (CARB) on Thursday adopted Resolution 21-13-2 (as amended at the discussion) to accept the proposed changes to the Small Off-Road Engine (SORE) regulation, according to a News & Insights report of the RV Industry Association.
The SORE regulation applies to all engines with spark ignition with less than 25 horsepower. All LP and gas-powered RV generators are affected by the law, except for diesel RV generators which are not affected.
The changes approved by CARB will prohibit the gas and LP engines typically used in RV generators beginning with the 2028 certification model year. Despite the efforts of members of the RVIA and other organizations to get RV generators excluded from the restriction, the ban was ok’d by the Board as proposed by CARB staff. The resolution was changed during the hearing to reflect the concerns of the RV industry.
We are appreciative to the many representatives of the RV industry, including manufacturers and suppliers, the RV Industry Association, the RV Dealers Association, and the California RVDA, who testified during the hearing on the proposed amendments and the need for different treatment for the fixed-mount generators in RV,” said RV Industry Association Director of State Government Affairs Michael Ochs.
The education that we did with Board members and staff before the hearing did result in several Board members expressing their worries about the challenges that lie ahead for the RV industry in complying with the ban.
Although the proposed amendments were not modified at the hearing, the Board directed staff to submit an annual report on compliance status and progress in developing zero-emission options.
Staff was also instructed to release a more comprehensive assessment of technology readiness in the 2025-2026 period. If the readiness assessment concludes that the technology required for compliance by 2028 is not likely to be in place, consideration will be given to altering the timeframe.
From 2022 onwards, the new regulation will allow RV suppliers and manufacturers to earn and qualify for bank credits by providing alternatives to traditional SORE-powered generators. To be eligible for CARB-recognized credits, businesses that offer zero-emission options (whether they are suppliers or manufacturers of RVs) must be able to verify the system with CARB.
The credits could be created during the 2022-2027 timeframe. If sold or traded to the traditional gas or LP SORE producers, these credits can be used to offset compliance costs caused by the selling of non-zero-emission SOREs. This credit program can potentially defer the 2028 ban to 203, according to RVIA’s report.
Along with CARB, the RV Industry Association will continue to monitor the progress generator manufacturers are making in developing zero-emission alternatives to SORE-powered generators and work with our members to educate them on the new credit program and the opportunities it presents, ” the report reads.
The amended SORE regulation and related rulemaking documents are available on this page.
Any person with further questions regarding the ban can contact Michael Ochs, RV Industry Association Director of State Government Affairs at [email protected].