Outdoor Hospitality News

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Land Use Debate in Alabama: Can RVs and Mobile Homes Coexist in the Same Park?

A land use debate has arisen in Baldwin County, Alabama, centered around whether recreational vehicles (RVs) and mobile homes can be allowed in the same park.

The Baldwin County Commission has sought an opinion from Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall on the matter, which hinges on whether the existing rule barring RV park sites in a mobile home park is a question of zoning or one of health and safety.

This issue could have wide-ranging implications for private campground owners and RV park operators.

The request for the attorney general’s opinion was triggered when an unnamed owner of a mobile home park expressed a desire to add RV sites to their property.

However, this move is currently forbidden by Baldwin County’s subdivision regulations. The outcome of this debate could set a precedent for other counties in Alabama, impacting private campground owners and RV park operators, who may also be considering similar expansions or adaptations to their properties.

If the attorney general rules that the existing regulation is a zoning matter, the county would have the authority to maintain its current prohibition on RV park sites in mobile home parks. On the other hand, if it is determined to be a matter of health and safety, the regulation may be subject to change or further scrutiny.

This could affect Alabama’s private campground owners and RV park operators’ potential growth strategies.

The coexistence of RVs and mobile homes in the same park allows these businesses to cater to a broader range of customers, increasing their revenue streams and improving the local tourism industry. Furthermore, such a decision could also influence the development of similar parks in other states, setting a precedent for nationwide land use regulations.

In the meantime, as the attorney general’s office deliberates on the issue, private campground owners, RV park operators, and local communities should monitor the decision, which could significantly impact the future of land use and development in Baldwin County and potentially across Alabama.


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