Outdoor Hospitality News

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News for August 30, 2024

RMS North America: Millennials, Gen Z Indicate Strong Demand for More Technology at Campgrounds

A Millennial woman sitting at a table with a laptop and a cup of coffee.

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RMS North America, a provider of cloud-based reservation and property management systems to the hospitality industry, has released its annual State of the Industry Report.

The report closely examines the first digital native generations—millennials and Gen Z—and offers insight into their camping behaviors and preferences, with a particular focus on technology use.

Millennials and Gen Z are characterized by their relationship with technology. With millennials now making up the largest segment of campers and more Gen Zs camping every year, their technology preferences will strongly shape the industry. 

RMS North America conducted independent research on campers ages 18-41 to collect the findings.

The younger generations of outdoor enthusiasts will significantly impact the future of camping and RVing, as well as the development and operation of these outdoor properties,” stated Frederic Dominioni, chief revenue officer, RMS North America.

“As an industry, we’ve withstood many shifts in the last three years; however, we now find ourselves at an exciting turning point. It’s time to mobilize a new generation of campers and RVers, learn to provide more personalized, digital-first experiences while maintaining the same ‘Great Outdoors’ sentiment people yearn for.”

Beyond generational technology use, the RMS 2023 State of the Industry Report details the most popular type of camping, the estimated frequency of future camping, and factors that influence campsite bookings.

Key Findings 

  • 85% of survey respondents indicated they’d like to see more technology at campgrounds.
  • Only 16% of respondents identified camping for the first time within the past three years. A majority had camped previously throughout their life and planned to continue.
  • Glamping is the most popular type of camping (36%), followed by tent camping (35%), with Millennials preferring tent camping and Gen Z glamping.
  • Millennials and Gen Z both take a tech-centered approach to booking a campsite and communicating with staff, with a direct booking reservation on the campground website being the most popular method (63%).

“Overall, our research suggests a strong desire for more technology in camping, but within certain limits,” continued Dominioni. 

“For campground and RV park owners, this means walking a line between offering modern conveniences and efficiency while preserving the nature-centered experience. At RMS, this means we’re tasked with equipping our industry partners with the tools they need to succeed— but in a way that takes campers’ individuality into consideration.”

The full 2023 report can be downloaded and accessed here.

Featured image courtesy of Trevelino Keller.


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