Outdoor Hospitality News

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Year-Round Operation Proposed for Gamlins Farm Caravan Park

Plans to extend the operating season of Gamlins Farm Caravan Park near Wellington have been submitted to Somerset Council for consideration. 

The application, filed on December 12, 2024, proposes allowing year-round use of the site and removing the current restriction that limits visitors to a 14-day maximum stay.

Under existing planning conditions, the caravan park, located in Greenham, must close from October 31 to March 1 and cannot accommodate guests for more than 14 consecutive days. 

These restrictions aim to prevent the site from transitioning into a residential area, a policy Somerset Council enforces to ensure adequate availability of camping and caravanning facilities for tourists.

Planning agent Mark Heppenstall emphasized that the proposed changes are not intended to establish a residential caravan site. 

“Under the present restrictions, the applicant is unable to compete fairly with other local caravan sites which can offer stays of more than 14 consecutive days and stays during the months of November to February (inclusive), and this is detrimental to the business,” he told Wellington Weekly News.

Edward Giles, the applicant and owner of Gamlins Farm Caravan Park, argued that the current conditions create significant operational challenges. 

“The existing conditions are so restrictive on the operation of the site as a caravan park they act as a hindrance and a barrier to allowing effective operation of the site on an all-year-round basis, unlike most other caravan sites in the local area which are able to operate lawfully without such restrictions,” he said.

The application also outlines measures to ensure the park does not transition into a residential site if the restrictions are removed. 

Somerset Council is expected to decide by February 13, with comments for or against the proposal accepted until January 10.Gamlins Farm Caravan Park is a small, family-run site offering various amenities, including free hot showers, fishing, and Wi-Fi.

Its secluded location near the Quantock Hills provides a convenient base for exploring Somerset and Devon.


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