Outdoor Hospitality News

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Netherlands Camping Organizers Require Proof Of Vaccination

Netherland camping clubs are requesting proof of vaccination now that nearly all Dutch residents have the option of getting vaccinated against Covid-19. The Volkskrant reports that this is a step taken by more and more organizations, specifically by travel companies.

A spokesperson for the Ministry of Public Health stated to the newspaper that they are against companies creating their own coronavirus policies. “But, we aren’t going to say that this is not permitted.”

The legality of the vaccination obligation remains unclear. Some legal scholars disagree on this point, with some saying that an alternative such as a negative test should always be available if it is possible. Others emphasize the freedom of companies to decide what requirements they place upon customers. Companies in the Netherlands can’t legally oblige their employees to get vaccinated.

Many companies are firm in where they stand. Particularly the travel industry feels that this decision was made for them. Employees and travelers asked for safety measures, according to people who spoke to the newspaper.

Frank Oostdam (chairman of ANVR), stated to the Volkskrant that “we believe it is perfectly feasible.” “Many companies have learned from trial and error over the past months. One infection can cause a lot of trouble during a trip.

ACSI, a specialist in camping, requires proof of vaccination. ACSI organizes camp trips across Europe for Dutch and German campers. Manager Pieter Melieste stated to the newspaper that both tour guides and participants agreed that it was important that everyone is vaccinated. 

“Then you have to make a choice. If we hadn’t done it, we would have had more cancellations. The choice was more or less imposed on us,” they said.

NKC Camp Club pointed out that volunteers are part of their work and they have a duty to care for them. We introduced this measure to both the volunteers and travelers. Other countries’ coronavirus laws also play a part. For example, unvaccinated Dutch travelers who intend to stay more than 24 hours in Germany must be quarantined for two weeks after their arrival. 

“Almost all of our group tours travel through Germany. Oad, a travel agency, stated to the newspaper that they would not be able to accommodate them without a mandatory vaccination.


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