Outdoor Hospitality News

For owners, operators, team members, and anyone else interested in camping, glamping, or the RV industry.

News for August 31, 2024

Amsterdam Self-storage Site To Add RV, Vehicle Parking

After lengthy discussions and revisions to town regulations, the town Planning Board approved the proposed addition of RV and other vehicle storage at the existing self-storage facility on Route 30.

The final decision of the board was to amend the facility’s special usage permit to allow for a 6-foot fence.

Norm Kotoch, NAK Management and Consulting, presented a site application for the existing Life Storage site located at 4786 Route 30 on Wednesday to the Planning Board. This was on behalf of Merit Hill Capital.

The facility has self-storage units in the middle of the property, parking spaces around the perimeter on crushed gravel, and a paved area at the property’s front on Route 30. The 34 spaces will not be removed.

On the paved area that can accommodate large RVs, longer 40-foot stalls will be placed. Stalls with a depth of 20 feet would be found around the rest of the site. Parking spaces and self-storage units would be separated by at least 20 feet.

A 6-foot tall chain-link fence would be installed around the property. It would also include a lift gate controlled by a keypad. This would increase security and allow for first responders to gain access to the site.

Only vehicles in good condition will be allowed to park on the lot. Owners must present their title before approval for rental. Boats on trailers will be allowed to be towed into the new parking storage service.

To ensure compliance with facility rules, office staff will provide monitoring on-site. Kotoch confirmed that staff would make sure RVs left at the site are only used for storage.

The Planning Board members referred to outdoor storage as a “gray zone” not covered in the town code when they reviewed the application. The property has been used in some way for outdoor storage by the special use permit that was previously approved. This permits the site to be used for UHaul rentals using equipment that is stored outside.


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