Outdoor Hospitality News

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Luxembourg Tourism Ministry, OAI Launch Glamping Architecture Competition

After an extremely successful contest on The Minett Trail lodges, Luxembourg’s tourism ministry, as well as the OAI, have joined forces to launch the first competition in architecture for the concept of “glamping” accommodation.

The ministry is searching for innovative ways to increase ecotourism in Luxembourg. In the year 2019, Pro-Sud and the Ordre des Architectes et Ingénieurs-Conseils (OAI) had already announced an initiative to find hotels along Minett Trail. Minett Trail as part of Esch2022, according to Delano.

Based on the first impressions, a new contest has been announced in conjunction with the Directorate-General for Tourism and the OAI, the group of architects and engineers OAI to create “Glamping Cabins.

A combination of “glamour” and “camping,” Glamping is a method to make the most of the natural setting by staying in touch with nature by camping close to nature without sacrificing the comforts and amenities. It’s a kind of lodging that falls somewhere in between a hotel room and a camping tent.

Creative, self-contained cabins

The modular structures must be able to house up to 2-4 persons and have a floor space of 25m.sq. Participants are encouraged to be as imaginative as they can be, even rethinking the layout of spaces and incorporating distinct aesthetics and also new technology, and new materials.

The location of the competition is not set for this competition, and architects are encouraged and encouraged to design strategies that could be “plug & play” and as flexible as they can in the areas of heating, energy drinking water, and grey/black water.

Candidates are, however, invited to include a regional character in the plan and thus make reference to the main tourist destinations, which include the Ardennes and the Mullerthal and the Moselle and the Guttland, as well as the Redlands.

Furthermore, the cabins need to be functional throughout the year, constructed on the basis of circular economics, using the maximum amount of raw materials and materials of Luxembourg as well as in the Greater Region, and develop a design for the landscape and all this can be done within the constraints of a budget for construction of no more than €80,000 including tax.

The project has to be submitted before January 31 at the latest via the official website, www.concoursoai.lu. The jury will meet on March 6, and the winners will be released on May 4 and followed by an exhibit of the top projects between May 5 through June 31 in the OAI headquarters.


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