Businesses, residents, and municipalities in British Columbia can get rebates for electric vehicle (EV) charging stations through the CleanBC Go Electric EV Charger Rebate and Fleets programs.
Workplaces, condominiums, and apartments can get a rebate for a Level 2 charging station for as much as 75% of purchase and installation costs to a maximum of $5,000 through a CA$2-million investment through Natural Resources Canada’s (NRCan) Zero-Emission Vehicle Infrastructure Program (ZEVIP).
Over 360 EV chargers will be installed through the program.
In a newsletter, the BC Lodging & Campgrounds Association (BCLCA) also said that businesses could apply for up to $5,000 of rebates per EV charging station, as well as five hours of free support services from an EV charging station advisor.
Meanwhile, fleet operators can get combined rebates from NRCan and the Province of British Columbia for a Level 2 charging station for as much as $5,000 of the purchase and installation costs, and $75,000 for a direct-current, fast-charging station, through NRCan’s CA$1.54-million investment through the CleanBC Go Electric Fleets program.
Through this program, as many as 450 EV chargers will be installed.
“We’re making electric vehicles more affordable and charging more accessible where Canadians live, work and play,” said Jonathan Wilkinson, federal Minister of Natural Resources, in a press release.
In an effort to reduce pollution from the transportation sector, the Canadian government earlier this month also announced a CA$1 million investment for the installation of up to 90 EV chargers across BC’s Kootenay region.
B.C. has the strongest adoption rate of EVs across Canada, with electric vehicles representing 13% of all new light-duty vehicles sold in the province in 2021, as per Bruce Ralston, British Columbia’s Minister of Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation.
Applications for the CleanBC Go Electric EV Charger Rebate are now open for BC Hydro and FortisBC customers in their respective service areas.