On this engaging episode of MC Fireside Chats, presented by Modern Campground, hosts Brian and Cara led an insightful and lively open discussion, delving into the most recent news and developments within the campground industry. Furthermore, they took the opportunity to share their excitement about notable events and happenings anticipated throughout the month of September.
We were honored to have an esteemed panel of special guests join the conversation, each bringing a unique perspective and valuable insights to the table. Our guests included Mark Koep, Founder and CEO of Campground Views, whose innovative work in the field has established him as a respected industry expert. Heather Blankenship, the accomplished owner of Pigeon Forge Jellystone Park, shared her hands-on experience and knowledge of campground management, while Angela Hylton, a dedicated Project Manager at Insider Perks, provided an insider’s view on the latest trends and initiatives in the realm of campground marketing.
Together, our hosts and guests embarked on a stimulating journey through the campground industry, touching upon the challenges and opportunities faced by campground owners, operators, and marketers. The episode delved into the significance of technology, the impact of market trends, and the importance of creating memorable guest experiences. Additionally, the panel also explored the potential of various marketing strategies and their role in the growth and sustainability of the business.
This September 1st, 2021 episode of MC Fireside Chats is a must-listen for those seeking to stay informed about the latest developments in the campground industry, as well as for those who wish to gain insights from experienced and knowledgeable professionals. Don’t miss this captivating conversation that sheds light on the world of campgrounds and their promising future.
On this engaging episode of MC Fireside Chats, presented by Modern Campground, hosts Brian and Cara led an insightful and lively open discussion, delving into the most recent news and developments within the campground industry. Furthermore, they took the opportunity to share their excitement about notable events and happenings anticipated throughout the month of September.
We were honored to have an esteemed panel of special guests join the conversation, each bringing a unique perspective and valuable insights to the table. Our guests included Mark Koep, Founder and CEO of Campground Views, whose innovative work in the field has established him as a respected industry expert. Heather Blankenship, the accomplished owner of Pigeon Forge Jellystone Park, shared her hands-on experience and knowledge of campground management, while Angela Hylton, a dedicated Project Manager at Insider Perks, provided an insider’s view on the latest trends and initiatives in the realm of campground marketing.
Together, our hosts and guests embarked on a stimulating journey through the campground industry, touching upon the challenges and opportunities faced by campground owners, operators, and marketers. The episode delved into the significance of technology, the impact of market trends, and the importance of creating memorable guest experiences. Additionally, the panel also explored the potential of various marketing strategies and their role in the growth and sustainability of the business.
This September 1st, 2021 episode of MC Fireside Chats is a must-listen for those seeking to stay informed about the latest developments in the campground industry, as well as for those who wish to gain insights from experienced and knowledgeable professionals. Don’t miss this captivating conversation that sheds light on the world of campgrounds and their promising future.