On this captivating episode of MC Fireside Chats, presented by Modern Campground, our hosts Brian and Cara delved into the latest industry news and developments in an engaging open discussion format. This insightful conversation aired on November 3rd, 2021, and featured our esteemed panel of industry leaders who join us once a month to share their expertise and perspectives.
The panel included:
Together, our panelists addressed a range of topics and offered their unique perspectives on the industry’s growth and challenges. The episode proved to be an invaluable resource for campground owners, managers, and enthusiasts alike, as it provided an in-depth look at the current landscape and the exciting changes shaping the future of the modern campground experience. Don’t miss this opportunity to gain insights from some of the brightest minds in the industry!
On this captivating episode of MC Fireside Chats, presented by Modern Campground, our hosts Brian and Cara delved into the latest industry news and developments in an engaging open discussion format. This insightful conversation aired on November 3rd, 2021, and featured our esteemed panel of industry leaders who join us once a month to share their expertise and perspectives.
The panel included:
Together, our panelists addressed a range of topics and offered their unique perspectives on the industry’s growth and challenges. The episode proved to be an invaluable resource for campground owners, managers, and enthusiasts alike, as it provided an in-depth look at the current landscape and the exciting changes shaping the future of the modern campground experience. Don’t miss this opportunity to gain insights from some of the brightest minds in the industry!