Aired on June 14th, 2021, this captivating episode of our podcast, hosted by Brian and Cara, delved into the fascinating world of glamping. Our hosts were joined by two esteemed guests, David Korse, the co-owner of The Glamping Show USA and Business Development for Glamping Business Americas, and Tom Mason from IVEE Group. Together, they provided valuable insights and shared their experiences in the ever-evolving glamping industry.
In this episode, David Korse shed light on the growth and expansion of glamping in the United States, as well as his role in promoting this unique form of accommodation.
Furthermore, Tom Mason shared his perspective on the decision-making process involved in implementing various accommodation options at IVEE Group’s properties. He detailed the careful considerations when selecting the most suitable accommodations for their target market. Tom revealed the factors that drive their choices and the challenges they face in striking the perfect balance between comfort, style, and sustainability.
Throughout the episode, Brian and Cara engaged in stimulating conversations with their guests, exploring the nuances of glamping and its growing appeal to a diverse range of travelers. This insightful discussion shed light on the exciting developments in the glamping industry and provided valuable tips for those interested in venturing into this unique form of hospitality.
Aired on June 14th, 2021, this captivating episode of our podcast, hosted by Brian and Cara, delved into the fascinating world of glamping. Our hosts were joined by two esteemed guests, David Korse, the co-owner of The Glamping Show USA and Business Development for Glamping Business Americas, and Tom Mason from IVEE Group. Together, they provided valuable insights and shared their experiences in the ever-evolving glamping industry.
In this episode, David Korse shed light on the growth and expansion of glamping in the United States, as well as his role in promoting this unique form of accommodation.
Furthermore, Tom Mason shared his perspective on the decision-making process involved in implementing various accommodation options at IVEE Group’s properties. He detailed the careful considerations when selecting the most suitable accommodations for their target market. Tom revealed the factors that drive their choices and the challenges they face in striking the perfect balance between comfort, style, and sustainability.
Throughout the episode, Brian and Cara engaged in stimulating conversations with their guests, exploring the nuances of glamping and its growing appeal to a diverse range of travelers. This insightful discussion shed light on the exciting developments in the glamping industry and provided valuable tips for those interested in venturing into this unique form of hospitality.