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Scouts Canada Survey Reveals Canada’s Most Epic Campsites

With inflation, gas prices, and other variables impacting how most Canadians spend their summer, camping remains one of the most accessible and affordable vacation options.

Scouts Canada, a Canadian co-ed youth organization, surveyed its 46,704 members to name Canada’s most epic campsites

As per Scouts Canada, 39.5% of surveyed volunteer scouters, scouting youth, and their parents cited Alberta’s Jasper National Park as Canada’s most epic camp destination.

Jasper National Park offers abundant wildlife, crystal-clear lakes, thundering waterfalls, deep canyons, and an evergreen forest surrounded by towering mountains.

Bagging the second spot as the most epic campsite, 34.6% of respondents answered Pacific Rim National Park Reserve (British Columbia). 

Third on the list with 32.9% is Algonquin Provincial Park (Ontario).

Snatching fourth with 27.3% is Gros Morne National Park (Newfoundland and Labrador), and number five on the list is Fundy National Park (New Brunswick) with 22.5%.

In a press release, Scouts Canada noted that Atlantic Canada scored the highest number of epic campsites with Gros Morne National Park in Newfoundland and Labrador and Fundy National Park in New Brunswick.

The organization also asked seasoned scouters to identify top “hidden gem” camp destinations across Canada. Respondents answered Writing-On-Stone Provincial Park (Alberta), Gwaii Haanas National Park Reserve (British Columbia), Spruce Woods Provincial Park (Manitoba), Pollett’s Cove (Nova Scotia), Virginia Falls, Nahanni National Park Reserve (Northern Territories), and Grassland National Park (Saskatchewan)

“We are all in need of a solid summer getaway this year; why not try something different like camping with front-row seats to panoramic view? With camping emerging as an adventurous and affordable option for many Canadians, we wanted to make sure that every Canadian knows where the most epic campsites in the country are and which criteria they should consider when searching for a spot,” Mike Eybel, a volunteer Scouter of 7 years, said in the release.

“Our seasoned Scouting community has named the most epic places to camp; now, Canadians can also challenge themselves to visit as many of them as possible with our interactive map, Camping Dream Destination Guides, and the Canadian Camper’s Bucket-List.”

About Scouts Canada

Kids and young adults in Scouts chart their own path of discovery. Through a variety of fun experiences with friends, outdoor adventures, and contributions to their community, Scouts build resilience and skills that set them up for life. Scouts Canada is the country’s leading co-ed youth organization, offering programming for children and youth aged 5-26 in multiple languages, reflecting Canada’s multicultural landscape and communities.


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