Looking for a great way to stay cool this summer? Get your summer wear ready and go to an Ohio state park near you!
As per a report, outdoor and indoor pools at many Ohio park lodges and campgrounds will waive daily pool fees today, June 16.
The campground pools waiving fees include Indian Lake State Park and Grand Lake St. Mary’s State Park.
For lodge locations, you can call 1-800-AT-A-PARK to find out pool hours of operation and to make sure pools haven’t reached capacity.
“I encourage all Ohioans to take precautions throughout the week to stay safe,” Governor Mike DeWine said.
As our Ohio Emergency Management Agency continues to work with its county partners to help community members stay cool and hydrated, ODNR’s offering of free admission to our state’s pools is another option that Ohio families can take advantage of to cool down.
Indian Lake, Lake Loramie, and Caesar Creek are also among some of the parks with lake swimming areas.
Over 30 state park nature centers throughout the state offer cool places for people to enjoy.
For more information, click here.
This story originally appeared on WHIO.