Outdoor Hospitality News

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News for August 30, 2024

National Park Service Distributes $73.6M in Historic Preservation Grants to States and Tribes

A hand holding a sack of money in front of a field, symbolizing the financial support provided by Historic Preservation Grants to National Park Service and States.

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The National Park Service (NPS) announced the distribution of $57,675,000 historic preservation grants to states, territories, and partnering nations, as well as $16,000,000 to tribal historic preservation offices.

“The National Park Service is committed to telling a more complete and diverse story of America’s history. Historic preservation grants like these, with the support of our state, tribal, and local partners, help us reach that goal by preserving each state and nation’s significant historic and cultural places,” said NPS Director Chuck Sams. 

The Congress from the Historic Preservation Fund (HPF) would annually give the NPS-administered funds. Since 1977, HPF has provided over $2 billion in historic preservation grants to states, tribes, local governments, and non-profit organizations. 

With $57,675,000, all funding to the states and the District of Columbia needs a 49% non-federal match, leveraging state, local, and private dollars for much more with the HPF investment. Ten percent of the funding given to the states must be given to their Certified Local Governments.

The HPF grants fund preservation programs at state offices and ensures support of local preservation with a required 10% pass-through to Certified Local Governments via competitive subgrants. Examples of the diversity of work accomplished with this annual funding include:   

For instance, in November 2021, the Maine State Legislature’s Office of Program Evaluation and Government Accountability (OPEGA) released its report titled “Evaluation of the Maine Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit.”  

The report was the first evaluation of the tax credit since it was significantly improved in 2008. After several months, OPEGA’s staff researched all aspects of the tax credit program, including the Maine Historic Preservation Commission’s administration of the program.

The Commission’s director and tax credit coordinator gave information to OPEGA, and they met with its analysts to discuss details of the program and answer questions.  

The positive outcome of the evaluation should bolster efforts to extend the credit’s sunset date and serve as a way to initiate discussions with policymakers about extending the program to non-income producing properties. 

The HPF also grants fund preservation programs at tribal offices to ensure the preservation of tribal sites and cultural traditions.  For instance, the Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indians, which is about unity with other tribes, made a treaty educational and cultural event on October 2, 2021, to show in the 1863 Treaty with the tribe and the U.S. Government.

The event included working with the seven hereditary chiefs of the Red Lake Nation and having planning sessions with representatives from each original treat tribe, such as the Red Lake, Turtle Mountain, Little Shell, and Metis.

The event also had historical discussions about the treaty, cultures, and history. Around 200 people joined the event, featuring the publication of a treaty information brochure that was widely acclaimed for its educational value. 


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Hi, you might find this article from Modern Campground interesting: National Park Service Distributes .6M in Historic Preservation Grants to States and Tribes! This is the link: https://moderncampground.com/usa/national-park-service-distributes-73-6m-in-historic-preservation-grants-to-states-and-tribes/