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Aitkin County Board OKs Gun Lake Campground

The Aitkin County Board (Minnesota) unanimously approved a conditional use permit for the proposed Gun Lake Family Campground in Fleming Township.

According to a report, the development will feature 22 recreational vehicle camping sites, with the camping season set from May 1 to October 31. 

The sites will have daily, weekly, monthly, and seasonal campsites rentals. 

Andrew Carlstrom, environmental services director, reviewed the planning commission’s actions for the board. The county planning commission approved the conditional use permit with 18 conditions.

The conditions include no public overnight camping outside of the regular season. No mobile homes will be allowed.

The applicant must work with Fleming Township to accommodate and ensure that emergency vehicles will be able to traverse the road. Road improvements must be made at the applicant’s expense.

The condition also states that the permit allows 22 permanent mooring sites.

No more than two vehicles should be parked at each camping site.

Quiet hours are from 10 p.m. to 8 a.m. The applicant is responsible for ensuring the hours are met.

There should also be no fireworks unless allowed by the Aitkin County sheriff.

Seasonal garbage service is required, and no refuse garbage is allowed outside dumpsters or garbage cans.

The applicant must also provide a surety bond of $1,400 per acre for two years.

“This surety is required in order to protect the public interest and to protect adjacent properties,” the condition stated. The proposed campground covers 16 acres.

The conditions also require the developer to obtain permits from Aitkin County Planning & Zoning for any earthmoving, vegetation removal, or construction and must comply with the MPCA stormwater pollution prevention plan.

This story originally appeared on Aitkin Age.


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