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Update: Teacher Killed In Sask. Murder-Suicide Was Leaving Abusive Husband

Charlene Graham’s family claims that she was killed and shot by her husband.

Della Duquette won’t forget the words of her younger sister:

“Go!” “Sis, it’s okay, I’m going.

Duquette said it was an order to run for her own life as her estranged husband pointed a rifle towards them Monday afternoon at Meadow Lake, Saskatchewan, a report said.

Duquette stated, “He shot her right before me.” “I heard her tell me to go so I ran hoping he wouldn’t shoot me in my back.”

Charlene Graham, Duquette’s sister and a teacher from Flying Dust First Nation died outside a camper-trailer in the small town of just over 5,000 people, 300 km northwest of Saskatoon.

Charlene’s estranged husband Delane Graham, 34 from Thunderchild First Nation south of Meadow Lake had been living in the campground for the past month. The RCMP described it as a homicidesuicide.

Duquette ran to the campground to save her sister’s life. Charlene’s family claims she was trying to end an abusive relationship. It’s a period of time that is well-documented as being the highest risk for domestic homicide.

They claim they are telling their family’s sad story to show that domestic violence can sometimes turn deadly and no one should assume that it will.

According to them, Charlene tried to leave Delane many times during their 16-year marriage but was always pulled back to Delane.

About a month ago, the couple split. Charlene remained in her Flying Dust First Nation home, while Delane moved into a Meadow Lake camper.

Charlene began to date someone and her sister had foreseen trouble.

Della Duquette visited her sister on Sunday. Charlene said that Delane was using crystal meth and cocaine, and threatened to shoot her and her family if she leaves him.

Charlene began a new job as an elementary school teacher at the on-reserve school the next day. Charlene arrived at work on that day, but her family was unable to reach her or find her after lunch, so they panicked. Her mother called the RCMP to inform them that she was concerned about her daughter’s safety.

Meadow Lake RCMP confirmed that they received a request for a wellness exam at 2:10 p.m. RCMP confirmed that officers were investigating the request at the time of the gunshot reports.

Duquette was not satisfied with the police’s plan of checking Charlene’s school and house, so she ran to the campground to look for her sister. Family members can only speculate that Delane used force and threats to get Charlene into the campground that day.

Meadow Lake RCMP released a statement Tuesday describing the incident as a domestic accident and stating that a 34-year old man committed suicide. According to them, a woman aged 34 was found dead in a camper-trailer after police arrived. A third victim, a female, sustained minor injuries.

Call 911 if you are in immediate danger and need emergency help.


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