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Canada Parliament To Review New Cape Breton Highlands National Park Management Plan

National parks provide a way of exploring, learning, and connecting to nature. 

Parks Canada is a recognized leader in conservation and has taken actions to safeguard national parks and national marine conservation areas and help preserve threatened species.

A management strategy to oversee Cape Breton Highlands National Park (Nova Scotia) was last week introduced in Parliament, according to a news release.

Every ten years, management plans are required under the Canada National Parks Act to determine how to manage national historical sites, national parks, and national protected marine areas.

The new strategy of Cape Breton Highlands National Park highlights key strategies such as a way toward Shared Manage with Mi’kmaq; Shared Conservation in the Context of Change; A Destination Inspired by Community, Nature, and Culture; Optimizing Operations to connect Canadians to Cape Breton Highlands National Park.

Management plans to manage Cape Breton Highlands National Park were developed with input from the Mi’kmaq people of Nova Scotia, Les Amis du Plein Air, la Societe Saint-Pierre, as well as various stakeholders and other partners residents of the area, and visitors from the past and present. 

With this plan for management, Parks Canada will protect an important piece of natural heritage in Canada as well as engage and work on behalf of Indigenous communities, as well as offer the chance for Canadians to discover and experience the natural world in new and exciting ways.

The Cape Breton Highlands National Park Management Plan is available on the Parks Canada website at: https://www.pc.gc.ca/en/pn-np/ns/cbreton/info/plan.


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