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Kaslo Council Postpones Decision on South Beach RV Park Proposal

Kaslo’s Village Council has deferred its decision on the South Beach RV Park proposal, opting for a two-week delay following extensive discussions during consecutive council meetings. The unanimous vote, led by Mayor Suzan Hewat, signaled a need for further information before proceeding with the proposal.

“A decision regarding the RV Park, our proposal conditions of purchase and sale agreement be deferred until the additional information identified by the council that the 2024 special meeting can be presented,” Mayor Hewat stated, as reported by My Nelson Now on January 15.

The proposal has sparked a significant response from the community, with letters sent to the council expressing a mix of support and opposition. 

Concerns were also centered on the development’s alignment with the Official Community Plan (OCP), water access through a proposed dock, and the developer’s intentions regarding a potential strata development.

The council scheduled its next meeting for January 28, during which the deferred decision is expected to be revisited. 

During a special meeting on January 13, the council outlined specific areas requiring further examination. Key among these was the interpretation of Development Permit Area (DPA) requirements and whether an RV park aligns with the regulations governing the Lakefront Protection DPA.

The Village of Kaslo also directed staff to gather specific information to address concerns about the South Beach RV Park proposal. This includes obtaining clarity on the boat launch and water dock components of the project, as well as creating and publicly sharing a detailed outline of the procedural steps and potential implications of decisions made at various stages of the proposal’s evaluation.

The situation surrounding the South Beach RV Park proposal underscores the importance of communication with the local council to address community concerns and ensure adherence to local regulations. This collaborative approach helps align development projects with community values and regulatory standards.


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