


上週三,參議員蒂姆凱恩 (D-VA) 和參議員馬克華納 (D-VA) 介紹了 2022 年雪蘭多山法案,該法案將喬治華盛頓國家森林的 92,000 多英畝指定為雪蘭多山國家風景區。 如果實施,國家風景區將在雪蘭多山谷西部邊緣保留壯麗的森林、壯觀的景色和 150 多英里的小徑。


“國家風景區在娛樂和保護之間取得了很好的平衡,”雪蘭多山之友聯合主席林恩卡梅倫說。 “這一獨特的稱號確保了獵人、徒步旅行者、垂釣者、山地自行車手和許多其他人能夠繼續享受子孫後代獨特的風景。”

The proposal has the support of more than 400 local businesses, organizations, and faith groups who recognize the immense benefits the new designation will have on nearby communities. Rockingham and Augusta Counties, as well as the nearby cities of Staunton and Harrisonburg, have also endorsed the proposal. The U.S. Forest Service – which recommended designation of a national scenic area and wilderness areas on Shenandoah Mountain in 2014 – estimates that visitors to national forests in 弗吉尼亞州 generate $1.4 billion a year. The Shenandoah Mountain National Scenic Area will attract even more visitors and provide a boost to the region’s growing tourism industry.

“這項法案是當地環保人士、娛樂團體、木材行業代表、獵人和垂釣者組成的多元化群體 18 年協作工作的產物。 在那段時間裡,對森林管理有著不同看法的人們聚集在一起,一致認為這個特殊的地方值得國家風景區提供的永久保護,“雪蘭多山之友聯合主席托馬斯詹金斯說。

The Shenandoah Mountain area is one of the largest stretches of undeveloped land east of the 密西西比州 River, and boasts some of the most spectacular, uninterrupted views in the Southern Appalachians,” Southern Environmental Law Center Senior Attorney Kristin Davis said. “Designating this as a National Scenic Area will protect these special public lands and all they have to offer.”

雪蘭多山國家風景區還將包括四個荒野區,總計約28,000英畝的新荒野,這將是公共土地可以得到的最高保護水平。 荒野地區在南方人中很受歡迎,最近的一項研究顯示,接受調查的南方人中有 88% 表示他們支持更多的荒野名稱。

“荒野地區是美國最不發達的一些土地,為尋求獨處的遊客提供獨一無二的體驗。 隨著越來越多的地區——尤其是美國東部地區——的快速發展,這些保護變得越來越重要,原始和未受破壞的景觀越來越少,”弗吉尼亞荒野委員會執行主任馬克米勒說。

Important natural 資源 would also be protected by Shenandoah Mountain National Scenic Area, which lies within a biodiversity hotspot. The area is home to black bear, wild 土耳其, more than 250 species of birds, and many other species, including rare or endangered species that only live in the Shenandoah Mountain area. Creating this designation would help preserve these wildlife and plant habitats, allowing visitors to continue to enjoy the plants and animals that make this area unique. The National Scenic Area designation will also protect important water sources for people living in Harrisonburg, Staunton, and many other towns and communities downstream.

Introducing the Shenandoah Mountain Act of 2022 in the 美國 Senate is just the first step in establishing these much-needed protections for this extraordinary area. In order to permanently protect Shenandoah Mountain, Congress must pass this important bill, and send it to the President for his signature.


我們一些最壯觀的聯邦土地被指定為國家風景區和荒野區。 儘管它們之間存在一些關鍵差異,但也有許多相似之處:

  • Only Congress has the power to designate portions of national forests or other federal lands as National Scenic Areas or Wilderness Areas, and only federal land can be designated. Private lands near or within the proposed National Scenic Area are not included, and there are no private inholdings within the proposed Wilderness areas. Since this land is already federally owned and part of the George 華盛頓 National Forest, no land acquisition is required.
  • 遠足, 露營, backpacking, horseback riding, paddling, birdwatching, and many other forms recreation are allowed in both the National Scenic Area and Wilderness areas. Hunting and fishing are also allowed in both the National Scenic Area and Wilderness areas. This designation does not affect hunting or fishing rules, which are determined by the Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources.
  • 林務局可以繼續撲滅國家風景區和荒野地區的火災和破壞性病蟲害爆發。
  • Most timber harvest and industrial 發展, such as gas drilling, would be off-limits in both the National Scenic Area and Wilderness areas.
  • 擬議的雪蘭多山國家風景區和荒野區都是由當地公民開發並提交給國會的,大多數成功的提案都是如此。

荒野是可用於公共土地的最高級別保護。 荒野地區是美國最偏遠和最不發達的地方。 它們具有自然特徵,任何先前土地使用的印記基本上不明顯。

  • 為了保護荒野地區的野生特性,不允許採伐木材、修建永久性道路、鑽孔和其他開發。 通常不允許使用機動設備、機動車輛或其他機械運輸工具,除非是為了控制火災、昆蟲、疾病以及搜索和救援行動所必需的。 擬建的荒野地區沒有現有道路。
  • 指定荒野為人們提供了享受獨處和野外休閒的絕佳機會,同時也保護了野生動物和魚類的森林避難所、清潔的水和空氣以及其他自然價值。

國家級風景名勝區更加靈活,在保護區域獨特的風景和自然價值的同時允許繼續兼容使用。 某些在荒野地區不允許的活動,在國家風景區可能允許。

  • 國家風景區內的步道允許騎山地自行車。
  • 國家風景區內的現有道路不會關閉,遊客可以繼續使用它們,包括用於風景駕車和進入露營地和步道起點。
  • 弗吉尼亞州已經擁有三個受歡迎的國家風景區。 Mount Pleasant、Seng Mountain 和 Bear Creek 國家風景區包含一些弗吉尼亞州最受歡迎的小徑,是露營、釣魚和其他娛樂的熱門目的地。

南方環境法中心 is one of the nation’s most powerful defenders of the environment, rooted in the South. With a long track record, SELC takes on the toughest environmental challenges in court, in 政府, and in our communities to protect our region’s air, water, climate, wildlife, lands, and people. Nonprofit and nonpartisan, the organization has a staff of 170, including 90 attorneys, and is headquartered in Charlottesville, Va., with offices in Asheville, Atlanta, Birmingham, Chapel Hill, Charleston, Nashville, Richmond, and Washington, D.C.


您好,您可能會從以下位置找到這篇文章 Modern Campground 有趣:弗吉尼亞州參議員提出創建雪蘭多山國家風景區的法案! 這是鏈接: https://moderncampground.com/press-releases/virginia-senators-introduce-bill-to-create-shenandoah-mountain-national-scenic-area/