

交易加強了 Dragonfly 為客戶和製造合作夥伴提供的先進技術產品

蜻蜓能源 收購了 Wakespeed Offshore 的資產和知識產權組合,此舉為 Dragonfly 的原始設備製造 (OEM) 部門和消費品牌 Battle Born Batteries 提供了為船舶和房車消費者和製造商提供完整的交流發電機連接系統的能力。 Wakespeed 提供獨特的交流發電機調節器和其他幾個專注於由車輛交流發電機充電的能源系統的設備。 Wakespeed 的產品線繼續提供給專業 OEM 製造商和客戶,但現在還與 Dragonfly Energy 和 Battle Born Batteries 的創新產品線一起提供。

新一代充電控制技術的 Wakespeed 創始人和開發人員 Al Thomason 和 Rick Jones 也加入了 Dragonfly 團隊,他們將 50 多年的電氣系統設計和船舶系統專業知識結合到了新的合資企業中。 他們共同設計的產品可與完整的交流發電機驅動系統(例如 Dragonfly 開發的系統)無縫協作。

“Wakespeed is very respected in our markets and, for quite a while, we have been extremely impressed with their ability to integrate with almost any mobile electrical system,” Dr. Denis Phares, CEO of Dragonfly Energy, said. With Al and Rick joining our company, their expertise and knowledge combined with our systems allow us to offer our customers and manufacturing partners an advanced level of technology for their equipment needs. It’s the boost we’ve been looking for to raise the bar and provide a more complete solution for our target markets.”

“當在 24v 和 48v 應用等更大的系統中實施時,讓產品無縫地為我們的客戶工作是絕對必要的,”Jones 說。 “這些技術的融合對我和 Wakespeed 的整個團隊來說都非常令人興奮。”

Wakespeed designed and manufactured a smart DC charge control system for the marine, RV and commercial transportation industries. The WS500 advanced alternator regulator is the first regulator on the market to communicate with the engine and 電池系統, offering the unique ability to regulate based on voltage, current and alternator temperature. This regulation is crucial for effective alternator charging of the new generation LiFePO4 lithium-ion batteries.

“Wakespeed 在業界享有顯著增長和廣泛接受,”Thomason 說。 “加入 Dragonfly 讓我們能夠快速擴大規模,更好地滿足現有和未來客戶的需求。”

The manufacturing and assembly of Wakespeed products will move in-house to Dragonfly’s Reno, Nevada-headquartered facility from its current location in 華盛頓 state. The WS500 alternator regulator product, including cables, wiring and connectors, is now available through Dragonfly and Battle Born.

要了解更多信息,請訪問: BattleBornBatteries.com。


蜻蜓能源公司, headquartered in Reno, Nevada, is a leading battery technology company. Dragonfly’s battery products are researched, designed and assembled in the USA, and the Company is revolutionizing the energy storage industry through innovative technologies and manufacturing processes.

如今,Dragonfly 的無毒深循環鋰離子電池正在廣泛的終端市場中取代鉛酸電池,包括休閒車、船舶、離網裝置和其他存儲應用。 Dragonfly 還專注於提供一種儲能解決方案,通過未來部署公司專有和專利的固態電池技術,實現更可持續和更可靠的智能電網。 要了解更多信息,請訪問 DragonflyEnergy.com。


您好,您可能會從以下位置找到這篇文章 Modern Campground 有趣:交易加強了 Dragonfly 為客戶和製造合作夥伴提供的先進技術! 這是鏈接: https://moderncampground.com/press-releases/deal-strengthens-dragonflys-advanced-technology-offering-for-customers-and-manufacturing-partners/