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FARVC: Diesel Fuel Supply Issues Not Affecting Florida and Alabama

Fuel shortage is imminent in the United States as the country’s oil fuel inventories are at their lowest for the period since 2008—especially on the East Coast—with only 105 million barrels recorded last week. Still, this news should not scare RVers planning on taking a trip to Florida and Alabama, according to the Florida & Alabama RV Park & Campground Association (FARVC).

“[T]he good news is, currently Florida and Alabama are not on this ‘shortage’ list. We have diesel available in our states,” the association wrote in a membership email early Friday.

The recent news has the potential of scaring some RVers, as per the trade group. As a result, it can cause travelers to think twice about taking an RV trip.

Recently, multiple reports have been suggesting diesel shortage due to certain factors such as record-low fuel inventories. Combined with the shortage of refining capacity and the threat of hurricanes, analysts are saying that the country might experience a fuel shortage this summer.

On Thursday, Sankey Research Lead Analyst Paul Sankey told CNBC that the country is “on the verge of a U.S. oil crisis.”

“[O]bviously, what I’m talking about is shortages,” he added.

Still, reports suggest that for now, the East Coast is the most hard-hit due to the region’s low production rate of diesel.

Moreover, as Memorial Day approaches, AAA forecasts that 34.9 million Americans will travel in their cars during the holiday this year, an increase versus 33.4 million last year.

“We will get the word out to RVers that Florida and Alabama are good and diesel is available. Come on down and camp here for the summer!” FARVC stated.


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