야외 환대 뉴스

소유자, 운영자, 팀원 및 캠핑, 글램핑 또는 RV 산업에 관심이 있는 모든 사람을 위한 것입니다.

Dragonfly Energy, Family Motor Coach Association, 파트너십 발표

잠자리에너지㈜ 와 협약을 체결했다고 오늘 발표했습니다. 가족 모터 코치 협회 (FMCA)는 Dragonfly의 소비자 직접 판매 브랜드인 Battle Born Batteries를 활용하여 조직 회원을 위한 리튬 이온 배터리의 독점 공급업체 역할을 합니다.

FMCA는 레저용 차량(RV) 소유자가 꿈꾸고 받을 자격이 있는 야외 라이프스타일을 만들고 경험하고 혜택을 누릴 수 있도록 지원하고 권한을 부여하는 데 자부심을 느낍니다. 

Dragonfly aims to provide the best opportunity for RV owners to get the most out of their RV experience through its products. As a membership benefit, all FMCA members receive an exclusive discount when they purchase Dragonfly’s Battle Born BatteriesTM for their motor coach or RV, according to a 릴리스를 누르십시오.

“We’re thrilled to partner with the FMCA to offer a revolutionary new type of lithium-ion battery for the members at its 400 chapters across the United States and Canada,” said Sean Nichols, COO of Dragonfly. “Part of our mission has always been to help people get out there, do what they love, and enjoy their rigs to the fullest extent. Now their members will have the opportunity to do just that, staying out there longer than ever before with reliable, safe, powerful lithium batteries.”

“FMCA is excited to begin this partnership with Dragonfly,” commented Chris Smith, CEO of FMCA.  “Dragonfly has proven itself as a key player in the RV battery market through their 배틀본 배터리 brand. Their cutting-edge lithium-ion batteries are designed and assembled right here in the United States, which our members will appreciate. With FMCA member-exclusive pricing, an easy ordering process, and an extensive installation network across the United States, we are excited to offer this benefit to our members.”

Dragonfly’s Battle Born BatteriesTM staff attends FMCA rallies and events throughout the year. The Battle Born team will have a booth and offer training seminars at the 105th FMCA International Convention, taking place during August 24-27, 2022 in Lincoln, 네브라스카. These events offer an opportunity for FMCA members to meet the Battle Born team, ask questions and learn more about the products with a hands-on approach.

잠자리 소개

Dragonfly Energy Corp., headquartered in Reno, 네바다, is a leading manufacturer of deep-cycle lithium-ion batteries, which are sold direct to consumers under the Battle Born Batteries brand and to original equipment manufacturers, such as Keystone RV. Dragonfly’s battery products are designed and assembled in the USA, and the Company’s research and 개발 이니셔티브는 혁신적인 기술과 제조 프로세스를 통해 에너지 저장 산업에 혁명을 일으키고 있습니다.

Today, Dragonfly’s non-toxic deep cycle lithium-ion batteries are displacing lead-acid batteries across a wide range of end markets, including RVs, marine vessels, off-grid installations, and other storage applications. Dragonfly is also focused on delivering an energy storage solution to enable a more sustainable and reliable smart grid through the future deployment of the Company’s proprietary and patented solid-state cell technology.

더, 방문 내용 www.dragonflyenergy.com/investors.

Dragonfly는 이전에 Chardan NexTech Acquisition 2 Corp.("CNTQ")(Nasdaq: CNTQ)과의 사업결합 계약을 발표했으며, 이로써 Dragonfly는 새로운 종목코드 ""로 나스닥 증권 거래소에 상장되는 상장 기업이 될 것으로 예상됩니다. DFLI”는 2022년 하반기에 관례적인 마감 조건에 따라 진행됩니다.

Chardan NexTech Acquisition 2 Corp. 소개

Chardan NexTech Acquisition 2 Corp.(Nasdaq: CNTQ)은 이사회 의장인 Kerry Propper, CEO 겸 이사 Jonas Grossman, CFO 겸 이사 Alex Weil이 이끄는 백지 수표 회사입니다.

회사는 합병, 주식 교환, 자산 취득, 주식 매입, 자본 확충, 구조 조정 또는 하나 이상의 사업체와 유사한 사업 결합을 수행할 목적으로 설립되었습니다. 

이 회사는 파괴적 기술에서 운영되는 대상 비즈니스에 대한 검색에 집중했습니다. 

더, 방문 내용 https://www.cnaq.com/.

가족 모터 코치 협회 소개

FMCA(Family Motor Coach Association)는 회원이 소유하며 사회 활동을 조직하고 RV 정보를 교환하며 부분적으로는 집단 구매를 통해 가능해진 혜택을 제공합니다.

The staff establishes a liaison with the RV 산업, publishes a monthly magazine, and coordinates FMCA RV conventions and annual membership meetings.

FMCA supports recreation programs and the legal rights of RV owners, recognizing approximately 400 chapters across the United States and Canada.


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